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Korey Hall

Has anyone successfully made the transition to Arc? I’ve tried twice now but can’t get out of old habits 🤦‍♂️

John Reynolds
Replying to @korey

I struggle with how favorites act as a “perma-state” no matter how far you navigated into the favorited site. Sometimes I want to reset them and go back to the original landing page I favorited. I can do it with pinned tabs but not favorites, I think.

John Reynolds
Replying to @fry @korey

Oh wowww that totally works. Thank you! That was one of the only things I was struggling with in Arc! Thanks man.

Fry @fry
Replying to @reynoldsj @korey


Rodrigo Sousa
Replying to @fry @reynoldsj @korey

correct! ✅