I've tried to explain to normal people what CSS is and how standards changed the web, but it's the story of rebeccapurple (#663399) that really makes most people appreciate how human-scale the fight for the web was (and still is).
CSS Gets a New Logo: And It Uses the Color `rebeccapurple` | MichaelCharl.es/Aubrey (Michael Charles Aubrey)
A community vote in the CSS-Next repository on GitHub decided on a new official logo for CSS. The design follows the design language of the logos of other web technologies like JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly. A demonstration of the new rebeccapurple colored CSS logo alongside the logos from JavaScript, TypeScript, WebAssembly, and other web technologies But perhaps more importantly, the logo uses the color rebeccapurple (#663399), a color that was added to the CSS specification in 2014 ...