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Alasdair cumming

I’m really excited by the idea of spatial computing… which feels like it could give you the power of computers while allowing you to stay present in your physical environment.

Alasdair cumming

So I kinda want spatial computing without the device on your face, which is basically an impossibility

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @alasdair

just hasn't happened yet

Alasdair cumming
Replying to @spring

Ha true! But I think that’s a long while off either way

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @alasdair

20 years at the longest. clamshell ibook was released in 1999, iphone 2007. eight years betwen a laptop and a computer in your pocket.

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @alasdair

just realism! big leap from "this technology exists" to "people totally want this". not entirely sure these vr goggles are anything more than a great way to watch tv

Alasdair cumming
Replying to @spring

Yeah. It’s gonna be interesting to see this play out. Everyone is impressed w this thing… but no one I know wants to pay for one / can see a killer use case (even the fan boys).