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Ali Angco

Long shot: has anyone ever taken a literature university course while working? Something purely out of interest.

Replying to @aliangco

No, but in university I was a cell bio/genetics major and an English lit minor. Sometimes it felt like lit stream was my hobby.

Replying to @aliangco

Book clubs can be nice for discussion too, but a good prof can give a lot more history and context. Literary texts can contain a lot of references to ancient philosophical, mythological, or spiritual traditions. Understanding those reference points really enhances the experience

Ali Angco
Replying to @mapotato

Exactly! I find that book clubs tend to just focus on plot but I wanna have deeper discussion points like references, symbolism etc

Replying to @aliangco

Yeah you might really enjoy a course then! Lol personally I don’t miss staying up late to finish papers, but I learned a lot about how to read that has stuck with me

Replying to @aliangco

It’s great! Maybe audit a course to try it out. There’s such a deep well of material and I got exposure to stuff I wouldn’t have picked up on my own. I had a lot of real characters for profs too … much more than my bio and chem profs.