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Replying to @arnie

I’m actively interviewing rn in fact just got done with 5 of 6 parts of an interview process today 🥵… i’m a senior level product designer and i’ve gotten some meaningful call backs from recruiters from companies i’ve applied to

Arnie Sandoval
Replying to @kellyhkim

I find extended interview processes so taxing. My partner who is an attorney is always in awe at the lengths I go through to get a job 😂 Hopefully you’re getting through it alright!

Replying to @arnie

it comes w the territory i guess! i ain’t mad at it hahah and thanks i’m getting through it! 💪🏼

Replying to @arnie

not sure if there’s just slightly more demand for senior levels but there are still a lot of companies hiring mainly early stage companies

Arnie Sandoval
Replying to @kellyhkim

Interesting - I have noticed this as well. @intrater and I have discussed (at length) how now is the time to start something new. Seems like many other folks are on the same page!

Emily Willis
Replying to @arnie

Having a hard time finding something that isn’t senior level since I’m not there yet! But still persevering! 💪

Arnie Sandoval
Replying to @em_bird

I was “early career” during the 08 recession so I can relate somewhat. That time was weirdly liberating and exciting for me professionally all things considered - I hope you have the same experience. Keep your head up, you got this!

Emily Willis
Replying to @arnie

Thanks Arnie! 😄 I figure with a little grit and determination and a can-do attitude, I’ll either create a portfolio that speaks for me or I’ll just be so darn irresistibly charming someone will have to hire me! 😂😂😝