Posts, a community app by

Christopher Ha

Just launched my updated portfolio, showcasing projects spanning design, development, and 3D. → #webgl

Replying to @christopherha

very nice, but is unusable...

Christopher Ha

Are there any specifics you'd like to see changed? I'm open to suggestions to help further the accessibility of it!

Replying to @christopherha

Some objects are unclickable.... Takes too long to load... I had to guess where to click...and went out.

Soeun Choi
Replying to @christopherha

I think if the "Work" and "Info" buttons were larger, they would be much easier to notice. At first, I thought the page was still loading, but then I realized there were small buttons at the bottom.

Christopher Ha
Replying to @hithetrail

A friend also mentioned to me the scrolling indicator could be more visible on the projects page. Will make both of these larger, thank you.

Soeun Choi
Replying to @christopherha

The site looks beautiful! Good luck with your work.