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Dave Leal

But then, the stroke was the problem. Because it was scaled from a published lib (icons), the stroke wasn't retaining it's published weight and was way too thick . So I had to create sizing variants for each icon (lg, md, sm) to keep the stroke correct... Fun!

Katie Cooper
Replying to @daveleal

This is a pretty normal workflow for icons in design systems. If you ever start using the Tokens Studio plug-in is gets much easier to maintain stroke width. Jotting this down to make a tutorial video on it.

Dave Leal
Replying to @katiecooper

Thanks for the tip. Yeah it seemed to be a pretty common limitation that hasn't been addressed for a while. Looking forward to learn more from your tutorial

Katie Cooper
Replying to @daveleal

Yeah, I’m always running into override issues here and there.