Posts, a community app by

Dustin Mierau
Dustin Mierau

Kind of wouldn't mind if the Notion icons for macOS looked something like this. Their brand feels a bit rigid to me. They should be able to adapt to the context in which they are being presented but so far haven't. 🤔

Dustin Mierau

How wild future WWDC keynotes are going to be as Apple shows how Vision has changed people’s lives (somehow) and continually iterates on the product as only Apple does.

Dustin Mierau

My plugin for Figma, Translator, now supports style translation. So it now does everything it can to carry your mixed text styles between languages. 😊…

Dustin Mierau

Looking forward to this next release of my Translator plugin for Figma. It will handle text layers that have mixed styles infinitely better than it does today. This will make it much easier to see your designs as you’d expect in other languages. 😊

Dustin Mierau

Believe it or not, the one and only crank operated digital talking calculator—Crankulator—is out today in the Playdate's first Catalog drop. Had a surprising amount of fun with this one. Plus there may be a hidden game within but you'll have to find it.

Crankulator for Playdate