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Felix Teichgräber

Ridiculous. Nothing really fucked their image with this. I don‘t get why they even shipped it with these obvious issues.

Nothing Chats iMessage bridge was astoundingly insecure
Nothing and Sunbird pulled the shockingly insecure iMessage bridge, but only after it was discovered that not only did Sunbird log and retain messages, vCards, and more, but that retained user data could also be downloaded by others.
Felix Teichgräber
Replying to @etbakare

But why would they shut it down now because of technical reasons? Wouldn‘t they blame it on the RCS announcement?

Ethan Bakare
Replying to @tchgrbr

Very good point actually 😅. After reading the article stringently it seemed like this was going to morph into some sort privacy/security scandal if they didn’t act fast

Felix Teichgräber
Replying to @etbakare

Even non tech-savvy people could see that this is very unsafe, I guess 😂