Posts, a community app by

Replying to @fabsoldano

Ooo this is fun! How about Healthcare? Maybe Enterprise?

Fabrizio Soldano
Replying to @shivisa

Hey Shivani 👋 sure! We can add that to our backlog :)

Mirza Baig
Replying to @fabsoldano

looks cool!

Fabrizio Soldano
Replying to @mirzadesign

Thank you Mirza! Any feedback is appreciated!

Mohammed Yarroum
Replying to @fabsoldano

Love inspotype!

Fabrizio Soldano
Replying to @mohammedyarroum

Thank you Mohammed!

Replying to @fabsoldano

Interesting! Who is this for? because I feel that sometimes you want to zigzag from an industry and bring inspiration from a different place. (for example, fashion into a tech project)

Fabrizio Soldano
Replying to @sergiohavenson

Interesting insight! We are developing this thinking about freelance designers and agencies. Right now the “industry application” is just related to the content (text and photos) but not to the style/mood itself. So you could explore and mix different moods in each industry!