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Bilgi Karan

That. That is the only use case of the graph view for me on Obsidian. It reminds me all the connections my brain forgets. A canvas also helps. These days, I also use NotebookLM to truly learn.

Replying to @bilgi

When you say `that` is that in reference to restarting....? :P Or parent categories?


Dont, take a mental note and have that article come forth on a random creative task lmao - no but for me its cliche but i do use the zettelkasten method maintain my articles/books etc- its hell but not because of the method but there is too much for me to read🫨

Replying to @sundown

Don't you forget about all the articles you've read? :P I guess I kind of do that too, but I have parent categories like Android development, Web, Cybersecurity. I know Johnny decimal isn't for me, I looked at that one...

Max Trautner

i’ll hand write notes as a memorization technique, but they never get reviewed. had to give up on that. the world’s moving too quickly. but, anything that i think i’ll want to recall will get dumped into Apple Notes where i rely on keyword searches to pull it up