Denounce the hover for about 40 milliseconds to really know if the user _is_ hovering or not then change colour. Decreases distractions. Learnt when noodling with notion’s ui.
Thanks for the feedback! Just so I understand, you’re saying to add a delay of 40 ms after mouse enter, in order to make the effect feel more intentional?
A delay will only delay it :/ A debounce will prevent the hover-color to change unless its being hovered for more than X ms. Just something I noticed when when looking at notion :D I managed to do this via javascript but couldn't find any pure css way to do it.
You're teaching me something new! Wow. Thanks. Found this quick write up giving me a bit more context.… Thanks Amin!
:D Another great article if you like reading more on this stuff. PS: it also explains throttling (same same but different)…
Yeah! Good feedback. I'm on the fence with that idea due to the user being contextually aware otherwise (not shown is the blog article with corresponding active heading). On the blog, just by scrolling the toc updates state to reflect the active item. Still necessary?