Posts, a community app by


It is such a warm feeling seeing the very first international users join the Dwelling TestFlight. I cannot wait for this map to fill up with more cities!!!!

Replying to @jaketran

What emoji should I use for Ho Chi Minh City??

Jake Tran

☕️ A cup of coffee should do it :)

Replying to @jaketran

I’m quick on the SQL draw, it is done 😎. If you make a profile and post a room you’ll be the first member of “☕️ Ho Chi Minh City”

Jake Tran

Will soon complete the profile, but my room is a mess haha

Replying to @jaketran

Looking forward to it!

Replying to @jaketran

It’s a new social network I’m building for homes called Dwelling! And yes, please join :)

Join the Dwelling beta
Available on iOS
Jake Tran

Oh wow the concept of the app so motivates me to take better picture of my room and redecorate my room lol