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Jamie Lovelace

I’m trying to build a side project in the evenings after work but have a pre school kid and a baby - feels impossible, anyone else attempted this? Feels not worth trying right now

Amy Schwartz
Replying to @jamielovelace

I’m right there with you — big ideas and a 4 year old and 2 year old. No advice, just solidarity

Amy Schwartz
Replying to @jamielovelace

I try not to think about what I produced, but about how much satisfaction I got out of the time spent. Sometimes that means going to my desk after bedtime routine, sometimes that means going to bed early after a day of fulfilling/exhausting parenting.

Jamie Lovelace
Replying to @amyschwartz

Good tactic, I’ll take that on board, I did have some dedicated time, post bedtime but sometimes it’s just like; nopeeee no way I’m opening the laptop, I’m just gonna sit down and do nothing – which is needed.

Amy Schwartz
Replying to @jamielovelace

Totally! We deserve rest and relaxation, too!