Posts, a community app by

Peter Pelberg

this little prototype shows a random ping [i] from my drop journal --- i. “ping” = shorthand for a breadcrumb or portal back to a feeling, resonant idea, etc.

Josh Brewer
Replying to @ptpells

I love this! I've used Day One in a similar fashion because they have the "this day x years ago" feature but often wish for a more randomized way to surface stuff I might not find again

Peter Pelberg
Replying to @jbrewer

(eeek! it looks like i might've muddled the threads a bit :o reply linked below...

Peter Pelberg on Posts
> often wish for a more randomized way to resurface stuff... mmm! to make sure im accurately understanding, are you saying something like what I'm about to post in a reply to this one...?
Peter Pelberg
Replying to @jbrewer

gotcha gotcha, ok! ...this aligns with my experience too. are there particular "filters" [i] you can see potentially being interesting to you? E.g. "around this time?", "this day of the week", "never revisited", etc. - - - i. im not sure "filters" is the word...

Peter Pelberg
Replying to @jbrewer

oh, josh: we started exploring different ways of resurfacing past pings (below) if you can imagine other lenses/views, we’d be eager to hear - - - i.

Peter Pelberg on Posts
a first pass at showing a few lenses/views to revisit past “pings” through… so far, there’s: - “For You” - “On this day” - “Around this time” - “Resonant” - “Recent”