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Laura Eddy

Discovered my Lore font on Grandpa’s packaging 😮 has anyone seen this in person? I think it’s an American thing 👀

Laura Eddy
Replying to @josh_

Oh you’re right😮 I should have read that little badge 😅 I’m from Aus too so I might have to do a check too 🤓

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @laura

Small world! After replying I saw on your profile you were also in Aus! The giveaway for me was seeing "500g" in large font on the package, since Im American I associate grams with any other country than America 😂 Anyway the font/packaging looks awesome! It's a great fit!

Laura Eddy
Replying to @josh_

Haha you’re obviously way more observant than me! I went HEY that’s my font 👀 and then was blind-sighted