Posts, a community app by

James Carleton
Replying to @josh_

Wow that’s really bad. I will share this with my former colleagues there.

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @jcarleton

Thanks 🙏 usually paypal has pretty good design, and I usually have a pretty good experience during the 2-4 times per year I actually use my paypal account. But this one caught me off guard!

Valtter Carlenius
Replying to @josh_ @jcarleton

Are you sure the css even loaded here haha

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @valtter @jcarleton

Dunno but the whole flow was like this! It was like web 1.0 lol Kinda cool in an old school way

Valtter Carlenius
Replying to @josh_ @jcarleton

New anti-design styles being created. I'm sure someone could do something cool from with a "no css" look lol

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @valtter @jcarleton
the “Baby, you got a stew going!” scene from Arrested Development
Kohei Foss
Replying to @josh_

looks like the css fell off

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @koheifoss

I initially thought the page didnt load correctly but the whole flow was like this 💀 Like it's kind of styled? but not really?