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these are all sooo good!! thanks for sharing y’all! mine is “always invest in yourself and put yourself first” being impacted by the recent rolling layoffs I realized that I often pour my heart and soul into companies without reciprocation


I had several chances to move on but I stuck it out only to be laid off. I guess another one would be “know when it’s time to move on”

Pete Petrash
Replying to @kellyhkim

The fundamentals never go out of fashion. Gestalt & HCI principles, typography, IA, color theory, etc.

Nick Clement
Replying to @kellyhkim

Take your time. There is no rush to get senior, just get better at your craft.

Aditya Mankare
Replying to @kellyhkim

Resistance is the enemy

Jackie Liu
Replying to @kellyhkim

please just ignore the cold call solicitations to chat from sketchy startup guys on linkedin

Nathan Ulrich
Replying to @kellyhkim

Iterate on the ideas that you are convinced won’t work. You will surprise yourself more often than not. Still working on that!

Calvin Zheng
Replying to @kellyhkim

To get better at design, you have to actually design… Just reading is not enough