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Marek Minor
Replying to @kogepi

Natural film look is the best 😋 Congrats on your engagement btw! May I ask - what resolution did you reveive the photos at? Just curious how much detail there is in medium format when scanned… 🤓

Replying to @marekminor

We received the images at 300dpi with about 3600px widest dimension — i’m not a pro but I think there’s definitely larger detail scans you can get with medium format film. My guess is our photog post processed and resaved them because the file size is small at 2-3MB per image 🤔

Replying to @kogepi

Wow, having just got married recently and skipped engagement photos this is awesome to see. So rad you searched out a medium format photog

Replying to @wstruye

I love medium format myself and if I had more confidence about it I would offer to shoot people! It’s just so satisfying to shoot with!