I started by getting my my name out there: putting up any projects that showcased my skills — my portfolio was both my website as well as the case studies on it. My website was unique and highly styled so it had that going for it. I wrote, blogged, etc so that also brought vis
Designers who start their own agency or go independent: where do you find your first clients? Asking for a friend.
Speaking on uniqueness — when I think “Rogie,” I can immediately think of what your website looks like. That’s a brand! 👏
I started independent more than a decade ago (the landscape is different now), simply noticed folks who had a skill or cool output (art, music, etc) on aggregators & was like “Hey I like your stuff, but you don’t have a website/logo, want one?” via email
And by aggregators, specifically, I mean Flickr, deviantArt, random forums, un-customized Cargo sites, Blogger, Kickstarter… also for longer contracts, I’d interact with those “brands” as an enthusiast first and the founders would pay attention and extend an opportunity
I love this idea!! Thank you. Ooh I think I need to network and know more people first 😂😂
For me, leveraging existing relationships + putting yourself/work out there.
I've had a pretty high success rate cold emailing companies I wanted to do work for. Just got to be prepared with your pitch and make sure you have a solid site and mission statement put together.
Through former colleagues who went brand side. Also former clients where it was ok to work with them after leaving a full time role. Leverage your network.
Responding to an RFP. Often times it’s not the most glamorous work, but it’s an easy way to get your foot in the door.
I started one year ago and I confess the first clients were former colleagues from past work experiences. In general posting and being active on LinkedIn/Twitter really helped me a lot!
It’s always about your network and referrals from that. Create one and nurture it.
Yep as others have mentioned, your network. And I don’t mean start going to networking events. Past colleagues are often the best source of good leads. Be sure to maintain those contacts, and let them all know you’re making the leap!
In the mid 2000s I built a small agency that grew to 300 clients. I literally started by walking into small businesses and explaining why their current websites were terrible. Once I built a few, word of mouth helped carry me forward.