Posts, a community app by

Replying to @linusrogge

love it! my only thing was that the red button scared me a bit, maybe change the colour so people (me) don’t think there’s some sort of error! other than that, beautiful work!!

Linus Rogge
Replying to @cyn

thanks cynthia :) I got very different feedback on the color until now, but of course I don’t want to scare people 🧸 I will try some other ones

Replying to @linusrogge

hehe i do like the red a lot, but maybe slightly less saturated (like #f36b6b). i just tried it on light mode and it looks pretty good!

Linus Rogge
Replying to @cyn

that does work, totally not my vibe tho :3 might just go all #000000 then

Replying to @linusrogge

honestly, not the worst! i think the lack of buttons on the page still makes it pop :p

Alexander Lewis
Replying to @linusrogge

I love that you included a personal timeline in your website. I might need to add one to mine now too haha

Linus Rogge
Replying to @allexander

Thank you, Alexander :D Loved the idea of having some sort of personal twitter, because writing a whole post each time is such a big hurdle so I usually ended up not posting anything. Can recommend hehe

Alexander Lewis
Replying to @linusrogge

100% Part of the reason why I like Posts too because it just feels way more casual so I can just post whatever thought I’m feeling.

Linus Rogge
Replying to @allexander


Facu Montanaro
Replying to @linusrogge

So good 🖤

Linus Rogge
Replying to @facumontanaro

Thanks Facu :3

Replying to @linusrogge

Looks real good and clean.👍

Linus Rogge
Replying to @samakintunde

Thanks so much Samuel :)

shen @shen
Replying to @linusrogge

luv the high five and bucket list section :0)

Linus Rogge
Replying to @shen

much love shen, glad to hear that 🫶🏻

Javi Toro
Replying to @linusrogge

Stunning! is the font Favorit?

Linus Rogge
Replying to @javitoro

Thanks, Javi! Yes it is :) Check the colophon for all the details about the page

Colophon · Linus Rogge
wynd @mill
Replying to @linusrogge

alright, looks pretty cool, heres some stuff: more padding-x on the nav buttons, and everything else is pretty clean. good job !