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Matt Wright
Matt Wright
Matt Wright
Matt Wright
Matt Wright
Matt Wright
Matt Wright

back in design school we had to do this for projects. i looked at it as such a chore and wasn’t really sure what to look for. but over the last few years, especially since spending some time in NYC, my eyes have really opened up to all of the interesting and unique type around me

Matt Wright

my favorite part is knowing much of it wasn’t intentional. designers spend hundreds of hours creating identities that are crafted to capture a vibe, but many non-designers are creating unique and beautiful signs just by picking a typeface they think works well

Matt Wright

especially if they’re manipulating type and breaking rules they didn’t even know existed. that’s so interesting to me! i’m so fearful of breaking out of the traditional swiss type setting mindset, so this typography spotting exercise proves to be extra inspiring

Matt Wright

to clarify, by saying “wasn’t intentional”, i mean not “designed in the way much of design works these days” (studio, crit sessions, $$$, etc.). these are careful decisions by folks who may not have formal design education/experience and they’re doing this with intentionality