Posts, a community app by

Nick Noble

I met my wife through D&D, so when we got married in April, we decided to go all out and have a TTRPG themed wedding. Me being myself, I built an absolutely over-engineered-ridiculously-juiced-homecooked website for it. Today I'm open sourcing it, and here's a bit of a 🧵

A home screen with a minimal navigation set in a large serif font, overlayed on a sweeping fantasy painting of a castle in a magical forest.
Nick Noble

I swear, I looked at off the shelf wedding site builders. But they all suck. ➊ Can't extend fields ➋ Sell you + your guests data ➌ All basic bitch floral aesthetic ➍ Crappy UX for all involved ➎ No dragons. Untenable. So, against my future wife's pleas, I started a new repo.

Nick Noble

I worked on it for months, getting exactly the experience I wanted for guests, + all the tooling we could dream of for managing & planning. + RSVPs, w/ deadlines + cutoff + 1 person can RSVP whole group + Stats on meals, etc + Broadcast emailing + TONS more! + 100% our data!

Nick Noble

The venue was a castle. We wanted everyone to dress up & feel like they were part of our story. But not everyone was familiar with TTRPGs! This was an opportunity to share some magic with people we love, so setting the right vibe from first interaction was a big focus.

Nick Noble

So in addition to the usual RSVP stuff, like food choice, we asked people to join a "guild". It's somewhere between a D&D class, a Hogwarts house, or astrology – something anyone can grok immediately, feels personally authentic, & feels like part of a larger fantasy world.

Nick Noble

This screen also served a dual purpose – the person filling it out got all the detail for all the options, but could later add the rest of their party via a faster quick-entry form. (Note that the shaded "Party" field was admin-only)

Nick Noble

BTW, did I mention that all account creation was automatic? On initial RSVP, an email is required, and a party is created for that guest. Any +1s they add, with an optional email present (for info emails later), now has a login, and can edit the whole party.

Nick Noble

(If you're wondering about these background images, yes they are AI – DALL·E 3 to be precise, and yes I made a GPT so you can make your own!)…

Nick Noble

As the couple, we had our own DM Screen (aka admin view), showing us stats, letting us take notes re: guests, edit content, and send "Scrolls" (email any or all guests). It evolved over time, as needed, and was really nice that we COULD just have any feature we wanted.

Nick Noble

And this being nerdy, one-off, homegrown software with the luxury of knowing EXACTLY the number of users, when their would be spikes, & how long it needed to last, I got to have fun with how I made it. (Perhaps a bit too much!)