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Nikita Pashinsky

All these Twitter wars on which JS framework is best, and Scrimba is out here just doing their own thing with… It’s unbelievable how *fast* new Scrimba is!

Imba - The friendly full-stack language
Imba is a programming language for building web applications with insane performance. You can use it both for the server and client.
Nikita Pashinsky
Replying to @nickisnoble

Fair, the docs are really scarce! The team is probably tiny on this project. As someone who is used to Tailwind, Imba’s approach to styles actually feels quite natural to me! If you don’t mind, could you expand on Imba’s opinions about styling?

Nick Noble
Replying to @nkta

That’s exactly it. I just want to use tailwind! I think they are eating way more surface area than they need too and it suffers for it.

Nikita Pashinsky
Replying to @nickisnoble

Ahh, I see what you mean, thanks. Yeah, it looks like you’re pretty much locked in to Imba’s styling options. After playing with it for a bit, I do feel some of the Tailwind namings make more sense (or maybe I’m just used to them)