Posts, a community app by

rafael reposted
Raffi Chilingaryan

Eid Mubarak to those celebrating today! 🌙 It was sooo cool to get requests for an automated Ramadan mode in Empty and watch @rafs implement it so quickly via API. 💨 I should have designed some special views in the app to commemorate this day, but oh well... next year!

rafael reposted
Raffi Chilingaryan

We’re hiring a Growth Muncher!


Decided to do a lil' stocktake as I packed for upcoming trips/relocations. Here are some of my (tangible) favs:


Was never intending to build a personal site anytime soon, but I knew I had to test out Ignite when Paul Hudson dropped it last weekend. It's SwiftUI-esque syntax and markdown compatibility enabled me to get up and running in no time.

Rafael Soh
Stuff I've done, written, and shot.

Redesigned the mid-fast progress bar for Empty, you can try it out on Testflight!

rafael reposted
Raffi Chilingaryan

Empty is on Product Hunt today and we would love your support. 🧡 🚀 The app is also available for just $1 lifetime if you practice or are keen to try fasting.…