Posts, a community app by

Jake Dragash
Replying to @roymelgarv

Personally think it makes a great headline typeface for the web, but doesn’t hold up at small scale for product design. To my eye, it isn’t neutral enough, therefore tends to add visual noise to microcopy and bodies of text.

Roy Melgar
Replying to @jakedragash

Any font suggestions? I’m looking for a great font (tired of Roboto), similar to google sans (but not opens sans) 💀

Jake Dragash
Replying to @roymelgarv

For interface design imo you can’t go wrong with Inter.

Replying to @roymelgarv

I think it’s a pretty good one - used it for

Roy Melgar

I really like your website design!

Replying to @roymelgarv

Thanks 😄 cobbled it together using graphics I made in PowerPoint like three years ago

Aaron Martin
Replying to @roymelgarv

What kind of app?

Roy Melgar
Replying to @iamaaronmartin

It’s for an app that manages the services (address, required tools, location, and more) that technicians have to give to clients in a day.