Posts, a community app by

Replying to @sandeepdotco

Hi Sandeep! 👋

Sandeep Prabhakaran
Replying to @akihito

Hey @akihito , this place feels like a commune of good taste. 😁

Replying to @sandeepdotco

Sure! Seems so 😁 let's enjoy 👍

Caleb Hill
Replying to @sandeepdotco

👋🏻 love those gradient tones

Sandeep Prabhakaran
Replying to @calebhill

Thanks @calebhill , been creating a bunch of those in my spare time in figma.

Batzorig Tsergiinkhuu
Replying to @sandeepdotco

hello hello 🫡

Sandeep Prabhakaran
Replying to @bat

Hey hey! 😄

Matt Bowers
Replying to @sandeepdotco

Welcome Sandeep! 👋 I had the same sentiment on Twitter, but have been loving engaging with new designers on Posts 😄 hopefully you’ll find it the same!

Sandeep Prabhakaran
Replying to @mattb

Yeah this is a much calmer place man.

Sandeep Prabhakaran

No support for gifs or videos yet? Here’s a link:…

Sandeep Prabhakaran

Sorry, forgot Credits to @rauno for the original web version here.…

Precision Slider
January 2023