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Replying to @shawnlukas

Oh its out? 👀

Shawn Lukas
Replying to @pixelactivist

You mean Playbit? I think it's still in beta:

Fourth generation operating system
Jack Hughes
Replying to @shawnlukas

Statement seems bit of an overreaction. There's nothing revolutionary about emulators. In general though we see times when hardware design respects legacy and when it doesn't. I think it would be sad if technology ended up being held back at software's expense.

Shawn Lukas
Replying to @jack_os

I honestly don't know how this can be tackled. But I feel the pain that software becomes unusable way too quickly. It gives me hope that others feel the same way and are doing something about it. No offense on better performant hardware. But wait until another framework, haha.