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Chris Cacioppe

Designers who code, do you draw mocks before coding or do you yolo it and jump into code first? I jump into code first. Probs slower as I have no idea what I’m going for but I think it helps me get to better solutions in the long run.

Simon Ammann
Replying to @chriscac

Instead of mocking pixels, I tend to mock the data model first. UI decisions become clearer after that.

Chris Cacioppe
Replying to @smnmmnn

Oooooooo that’s interesting! Do you have an idea of all the features first and then you do data model?

Simon Ammann
Replying to @chriscac

Let‘s say you start designing for a new /users/{user} route. You know you‘ll need the User model. What data do you need from the User record? Name, handle, followers, following, avatar … Great, that‘s the data you‘re going to design with/for.

Chris Cacioppe
Replying to @smnmmnn

For me, I start with a core idea/feature and build for that. Eg an app that compiles an image, a video and a sound file into a single asset.. and then along the way I’ll be like “I want filters and fx options” and then I’ll build that.. and just keep adding until it feels right

Fabio Santos
Replying to @chriscac @smnmmnn

I don’t code but I always start here anyways. I use something I learned from the book “thinking in systems” called stocks and flows. It helps me a ton to define exactly what needs to display and how each component/data point interacts with each other.

Simon Ammann
Replying to @fabs @chriscac

Interesting. Are you considering user interface components as stocks and interactions with them as flows?

Fabio Santos
Replying to @smnmmnn @chriscac

Exactly. Will share an example here later if you are interested