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Spring ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
Replying to @mukinoy

yet, agencies have to be responsive to the fickle nature of their clients. and that is often a response to the agency's work and sometimes a new stakeholder chimes in...all this is a complex stew that is very much out of sight and out of the control of the designer.

Yasmin Mukino
Yasmin Mukinoย @mukinoy
Replying to @spring

i really like how you framed it as relationships -- that clicked for me. looking back at it, the CD and I have a shared intention to do well for the client. it's just we go about it differently and most likely they know something that i don't since he's more experienced haha

Spring ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
Replying to @mukinoy

one last thing - i have been a designer and art director at agencies. i now runna design team and am also a client to a design agency. i have been on all sides and all roles, more now than ever. as a client my needs and insights change quite a lot, so i feel for the designers.