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@johncafazza any idea for an icon ? Added: functions to add as many deliveries shipping, and the adding menu. Remain: settings menu, API shipping (hard asf), preview shipping status, icon status, check true/false numbers shipping, (any other ideas?) Still learning swift okay 😭

Replying to @stevewang @johncafazza

Of course there is many app like parcel or 17track, I personally use them. But rn I’m learning Swift and all Xcode manipulation and this is a fun and very good way to learn by making little projects 👍😁

Replying to @xmarano @johncafazza

That’s good! Simple apps like these would be perfect for trying out and getting familiar with SwiftUI :)) 💪

Replying to @stevewang @xmarano @johncafazza

that's never stopped anyone from making another app! competition is good