Graph Slider
Thanks, Christian! Under the hood I've used svg offset-path, offset-distance, and clip-path for the dot/body. The line & number are positioned via a bunch of calculations based on the current dot position. The number animation is from the fantastic @number-flow/react package.
I've also used my own boilerplate that has ShadCN, Tailwind, Next.js, and Biome pre-installed and configured.…
GitHub - Coyenn/next-shadcn-tailwind-biome-app: A Next.js 15 boilerplate with TailwindCSS v4, ShadCN, and Biome
A Next.js 15 boilerplate with TailwindCSS v4, ShadCN, and Biome - Coyenn/next-shadcn-tailwind-biome-app