Posts, a community app by

Will Meyers

I've been working full-time 🙇‍♂️ and haven't been here as much as I'd like. But anywho if you're looking for some y2k inspo look no further

An archive of RadioShack Catalogs (1939-2011)
Flip-through every RadioShack electronics & computer catalog. These catalogs include vintage electronics, stereos, speakers, CB radios, tube radios, computers, communication equipment, electronic test equipment, gadgets, technology & more!
Josh Pindjak
Replying to @willmeyers

Wow, this is so cool. Did you make this site? I love archives like this and think more of them should exist (too many things are now lost)

2001 Radio Shack Retail Catalog
Will Meyers
Replying to @josh_

I love them too! I did not!

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @willmeyers

oh nice, well thanks for sharing. This reminds me of years ago I stumbled across a zip file containing hundreds of early 2000s rave posters/flyers, etc. So i archived them on Arena:…