Posts, a community app by

Daniel Farrell

Super stoked to be onboarding people to Onlook – Check it out and let me know if you want early access!

Onlook – The developer tool for designers
Onlook is the first-ever developer tool for designers. Let designers contribute directly to your UI codebase. No setup or programming experience required.
Daniel Farrell
Replying to @watercycle

Do you use storybook a lot? We sit a little higher up on the UI layer than at the component layer now, but definitely want to make building components easy for designers.

Adam Sammons
Replying to @drf

Unfortunately not, there's definitely still a gap. Storybook feels like documentation for design->dev barrier but doesn't seem to actually bridge it. As a designer I often update the design system and components but it seems to take ages to reach the dev stage.