Posts, a community app by

Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Looks good! What is it about?

Adam Whitcroft
Replying to @eylon

Didn’t the site explain it well? Any suggestions for changing copy there?

Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Didn’t see the link! Silly me

Adam Whitcroft
Replying to @eylon

Phew! No worries!

Replying to @adamwhitcroft

This is awesome!! Same as Joey, I cannot wait to try! Just curious - do the photos save to some cloud or local?

Adam Whitcroft
Replying to @larissaoh

The save locally and sync to your iCloud account if you have iCloud sync enabled.

Leonard Adukwu
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Already signed up. Quick question, what did you use for recording this?

Adam Whitcroft
Replying to @leoadukwu

@raffi made it in Rotato for me, he’s a legend.

Leonard Adukwu
Replying to @adamwhitcroft @raffi

Nice, thanks

Joey Banks
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Can’t wait to give this a try!

Adam Whitcroft
Replying to @joeyabanks


Armand @armand
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Can’t wait to try it out!

Adam Linden
Replying to @adamwhitcroft


David Mendes
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

That’s useful

Replying to @adamwhitcroft


John Karlsson
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Been looking for exactly this, excited to try it out!

Saša Čečavac
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Definitely need this!

Replying to @adamwhitcroft

This looks awesome! Signed up for launch annoucement