Posts, a community app by

Fede Sánchez
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Really well done, love the progressive completion of the tasks as you swipe. A++

Henning von Vogelsang
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

I’m sure it’s great, but did you do a name search on the App Store?…

‎TwoDoは夫婦や恋人のためのToDoアプリです。 買うもの、行くとこ、すること、の3つを シンプルなUIで管理します。 相手がタスクを追加・削除すると すぐに自分のiPhoneにもリアルタイムに同期されます。 行こう行こうと思ってずっと行けていない場所、 買い物に行ったのに買い忘れて帰ってくる経験、 やろうと思ってるままやらず終いになっていること、 そんな全てとおさらばです。 TwoDo is a to-do app for couples and lovers. It manages three things: what to buy, where to go, and what…
Henning von Vogelsang
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

I tried out the app and it’s elegant and delightful. Congratulations! From a usability point of view, it’s a little annoying you can’t tap on the checkbox to complete a task. Swiping is quick to learn, but the check box looks at you like a light switch that cannot be flipped on.

Henning von Vogelsang
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Second, a sorting function: pushing an item from now to later is fun, but being able to sort items within a list is probably the most commonly expected function.

tom zahrádka
Replying to @adamwhitcroft


James William
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

great idea, beautiful execution! 👌

Aaron Martin
Replying to @adamwhitcroft

Love it