Posts, a community app by

Laura Sinisterra
Replying to @aleconline

Really nice! Just joined

Replying to @laurasinisterra

Glad to hear it! Need more designers/creatives to follow there!

Laura Sinisterra
Replying to @aleconline

What’s your handle? Mine is @Laura

Replying to @laurasinisterra

I got my first name too! @alec on there

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @aleconline

Confused. Admittedly I’ve got spotty data as I’m travelling, which might not help. Are the posts separated/distinct or are folk posting multiple posts in group topics? Also that font is borderline too small.

Replying to @caspianievers

It looks like the app just came out within the past month or so, I'm hoping they add a few things like text size settings. As far as I can tell, you make "channels" (like a Pinterest board I guess) in which you can post to or add other people's posts to.

Kenneth Mark Dsouza
Replying to @aleconline

Very tumblr vibes

Salief Lewis
Replying to @aleconline

Glad you found us

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @aleconline

I like the aesthetic. Got my handle ( @caspian ). Now to see if I can think of a way to use it that isn’t just a direct dump of what I use Posts for (and Bluesky for the time being)