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Caspian Ievers
Caspian Ievers

I’m giving a talk today. It’s not what I am best at. Or what I enjoy most. But I can’t wait to share this slide. It says a lot despite being so simple.

Caspian Ievers

We came 4th, and I also managed to get another goal. So I’m very happy. And exhausted.

Caspian Ievers

One more day of this madness. 😜

Caspian Ievers

Before the carnage. And before some arsehole stole one of our teammates gear bag, phone and car keys while we were on the court. Find my Phone located them but the police won’t act on that data to follow up. 😡

Caspian Ievers

Morning friends! A big weekend of action ahead. Limited sleep behind me. Pretty sure Dante had a circle of hell devoted to people who snore loudly in campsites.

Caspian Ievers

Sometimes I actually work on some old school design stuff too. Teamed up with a colleague to wrestle these letters into shape. Much harder than you’d think…