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Alex Tran 🌈
Alex Tran 🌈

I wish book content was responsive to the form factor of delivery. Hearing an ebook tell me to look at a line diagram isn’t going to happen while I’m driving. 🤷‍♂️

Alex Tran 🌈

Found the biggest morel yet in our yard!

Alex Tran 🌈

Now that I’ve found morels growing in our garden, my memoir can be the “Accidental Mushroom Forager.”

Alex Tran 🌈

Wild ask - anyone here build a tiny home or live in one? Curious about your experience.

Alex Tran 🌈

One of my creative passions is learning to propagate edible plants. My favorite being fig trees.

Fig tree babies
Alex Tran 🌈

In 2020 I read the news constantly and volunteered for 3 different political orgs at the same time. In 2023 I’m still engaged but have much bigger boundaries with constant political updates for my sanity and peace.