Posts, a community app by

Matthew Paul
Replying to @amyschwartz

Not sure if you’re interested or live with mental health illnesses or other disabilities, but I’ve been building an interview project called Staff Divergent. I haven’t promoted it yet but it’s @staffdivergent on twitter or (super placeholder page lol)

Matthew Paul
Replying to @amyschwartz

If you are interested in being interviewed for the project, or if you have others in mind. I would appreciate any help you can offer. I have a one pager explaining the why/process/goals/confidentiality and general line of questioning that I can send over 🙂

Péter Balázs Polgár
Replying to @amyschwartz

(I’m trying to do a similar thing, so have a 1000 questions, but) What do leaders do (differently) once they have the ‘seat at the table’. How do principals and staff designers figure out what they do.