Posts, a community app by

Jaron Heard
Replying to @ana_piligrim

i submitted the original 🛹 proposal! i mostly just followed the process on the unicode site

Replying to @jaronheard

Wow that is so coo!! Thank you for letting me know🙏

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @ana_piligrim

I put together a guide for a friend who wanted to submit one. He didn’t follow through. Maybe it’s helpful for you.…

Replying to @caspianievers

Thank you so much Caspian! This is an awesome resource!!

Jaron Heard
Replying to @ana_piligrim

not an expert but happy to share what i know!

Daniel Magill
Replying to @ana_piligrim

There was this really good article about the waffle character, see if you can find it!