Posts, a community app by

Darian Rosebrook

Hey y’all! Can we get an #introductions thread going? (Also, search doesn’t work for posts so I couldn’t scroll far back to see if any was created) There’s many new and familiar faces, and it’s cool to see so many great types of designers all together. Share some stuff!

Anton Sten
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Hey! My name is Anton and I live in the Swedish countryside with my gf and our dog Taylor. I’ve been consulting for the past 13 yrs, currently for loom, summer health and Tractorbeam. I’m a product designer but most people know me for my writing,

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @antonsten @darianrosebrook

Wow, that sounds like a story!

Anton Sten
Replying to @klkvsky @darianrosebrook

Which part? 😂

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @antonsten @darianrosebrook

Like every part hahah. I mean at least i don't know many people working in tech and living in county side. Consulting companies for 13 years is just mind blowing to me, like i'm 20 dude, so it's more than half my life and i can't imagine experience that comes from that many years