Posts, a community app by

Ariana Escobar
Ariana Escobar

I’ve been waiting for over a year for the paperback version of this book! I can’t wait to dig in.

Book cover of “The Goods of Design. Professional ethics for designers”.
Ariana Escobar

This weekend I bought tickets for Indonesia 🥹 It’ll be my first time in Asia! Any recommendations? 💕

Ariana Escobar

Does anybody here know anything about selling art copyrights? I’ve been commissioned a painting to use as a podcast image and they want to retain the rights. I have no idea how to do/sell that 😐

Ariana Escobar

Really looking forward to my day off from work tomorrow to frame this painting and start a new one ✨

Ariana Escobar



I feel a bit (A LOT!) disconnected from the design industry so it’s nice to have a place for that.