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Ariana Escobar

This weekend I bought tickets for Indonesia 🥹 It’ll be my first time in Asia! Any recommendations? 💕

Kenneth Mark Dsouza
Replying to @arii

Where are you going in Indonesia?

Ariana Escobar
Replying to @kend

I haven’t planned the route yet! I only know that I’m flying to Yakarta but still have to figure out what to do for the next 15 days 🫣✨

miha @miq
Replying to @arii @kend

Yogjakarta is great. I also travelled Sumatra, Lake Toba is super nice. Would avoid Bali at all costs

miha @miq
Replying to @arii @kend

It can’t be beautiful if hordes are everywhere. Lombok better, still a lot of people. If you are looking for beaches I would go to Sulawesi and Togean islands. Indonesia is huuuge and so beautiful, don’t know why waste time in Bali

Ariana Escobar
Replying to @miq @kend

I’ll look into those places you mention, thanks a lot again 🙏🏻

Kenneth Mark Dsouza
Replying to @arii @miq

You could also consider adding Raja Ampat and Komodo Islands to your list.

Ariana Escobar
Replying to @kend @miq

Everything looks so beautiful… it’s going to be hard to choose 🥺