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Mark J Harvey
Replying to @azhassan

I love Origami and have used it for years. This is a great interaction however I am wondering how you got 2 shapes to interact with each other like that in Origami. would love it if you could share some details. Perhaps in their Facebook group which is quite active and supportive

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @markjharvey

Thanks! It's basically 2 blending layers on top of each other (one has Color Burn, the other has Color Dodge) I then add 2 circles (with layer blur applied to them) below the blending layers. I can share the Origami file with you if you would like 😊

Mark J Harvey
Replying to @azhassan

Please share in Facebook group if you are able. We all would really appreciate it 🙏

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @markjharvey

I just shared it there 🙏

Replying to @azhassan

And you were right. It is a cool effect for a fab.

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @adam.b

Thank you 🙏

Nikhil Verma
Replying to @azhassan

This is amazing!

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @nkhl

Thank you!

Jackie Zhang
Replying to @azhassan

Really cool!

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @jackiezhang

Thank you 😄

Louis @l0uis
Replying to @azhassan

Super nice! Did you make the fluid effect in Origami or via Lottie?

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @l0uis

Thank you! I made it in Origami ^^

Dami Ojetunji
Replying to @azhassan

Thank you for sharing this, I just started using Origami and I successfully recreated this 🎉

Abdelrahman Hassan
Replying to @ojetunji

You're welcome 😊