Posts, a community app by

Guy Moorhouse
Replying to @bartbak

I'd build with (because it's super performant and light on JS) and probably avoid using a CMS altogether. If a CMS was absolutely needed, I'd integrate with because it's so flexible and nice to work with.

Astro builds fast content sites, powerful web applications, dynamic server APIs, and everything in-between.
Replying to @futurefabric @bartbak

I really like working with Astro, and if it's for a site where other people are working on it, or the site's too big or too dynamic to make easily I usually end up using it. Astro SSR is awesome when I don't wanna do SSR manually, but I avoid it for static sites

Egor Komarov
Replying to @bartbak

Framer. Best tool ever

Martin Klepsch
Replying to @egor @bartbak

I’ve built plenty of landing pages from hand but would also second Framer. Especially if you’re not super technical / want to iterate quickly.

Replying to @bartbak

If it's just one page, probably just HTML, CSS and JS if needed. If the page has a lot of dynamic content, maybe Elysia or Hono or even just Bun.serve if I can get away with it, depending on where I'm deploying. No point overcomplicating stuff like this more than I need to.