Posts, a community app by

Bart Bak
Bart Bak

Tough call, but if it were up to you, which CMS would you choose for a landing page and why?

Bart Bak

Did you know that around 550 testers signed up for the Daily app beta on apple testflight?

Bart Bak

Click or not to click? 💀

Bart Bak

As we work on our landing page, we’ve now brought together a solid release candidate. Things are shaping up! ✦ Version 1.1 might bring icon and color customizations. #UI #dailyapp

Bart Bak

Picking the right icon is a big deal, it will represent the product and its identity. What icon would you go for the ultra-simple todo app?

Bart Bak

Daily is coming together! While we’re adding the final touches, you can check out the beta on TestFlight below. An exciting announcement about Dialy will be shared by the end of the week! #design #ui #buildinpublic #macapp #todo #daily