Posts, a community app by

Janelle Amores ✦
Replying to @carlawarla


Carla Warla
Replying to @janelle

Do you resonate with it ? Lol

Janelle Amores ✦
Replying to @carlawarla

oh oops forgot to mention but yes! lol I’ve actually been told this since I was younger and I’m always surprised when I’m told this so I’m like :o

Pedro Peguero Jr.
Replying to @carlawarla


Carla Warla
Replying to @pedropeguerojr

Not us twinninggggg

Laura Sinisterra
Replying to @carlawarla


Carla Warla
Replying to @laurasinisterra

Ooou love the description - this sounds on par based on some of the projects you’ve shared on this platform.

Rome @roe
Replying to @carlawarla

I’m a visionary 😎🤣

Carla Warla
Replying to @roe

Heard y👁️u