Posts, a community app by

Caspian Ievers

Before the carnage. And before some arsehole stole one of our teammates gear bag, phone and car keys while we were on the court. Find my Phone located them but the police won’t act on that data to follow up. 😡

Replying to @caspianievers

If you can go in a group and confront- dont hesitate / london met did jack shit (and closed the case) even with find my data until i went to the place with five other people to get it back

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @sundown

Thing is we still have a few more games to play. So can’t get a crew to raid the house.

Replying to @caspianievers

Thats graceful to put the game first and not let it run your fun, sorry dude 💔💔