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Shouldn't the "Make Design" feature be "Make Wireframe" to reconcile Figma with the design community? 🤷‍♂️

Jamie Sigadel
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I think as far as AI is concerned, we should leave as many small/trivial things as possible.. Like "make me a grid with 3 columns and 100px margins on all sides" type of stuff.

Jamie Sigadel
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Even if someone wanted wireframes based on an existing design system, that would seem kinda.. backwards to me? Might as well go straight to mock-ups at that point

Jamie Sigadel
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AI doesn't help solve the "everything looks and feels the same" problem, it will only make that worse.. It also makes it so the internet is so bloated with crap (nonsense articles, videos, images - basically every media) that best practices are a thing of the past

Jamie Sigadel
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We're getting ahead of ourselves if we think AI is going to move design forward when the average digital experience is riddled with dark patterns, ads, and other ickiness. There's systematic issues that keep true creativity from happening that have nothing to do with our tools